
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Many times, while I'm out weeding the garden, I have these metephorically ideas comparing a garden to our spiritual lives. I know.... that's nothing new. Jesus spoke repeatedly about harvests, seeds, plants and.... soil. Soil, in case you didn't know, is very different from dirt. Soil is cared-for dirt. Here in Central Oregon, we're sitting on top of a whole bunch of volcanic rock, with a thin sprinkling of dirt on top. After years of pulling out rock, weeds, and adding a heck of a bunch of compost, planting seeds and things are finally starting to grow. I suspect that creating a heart of good soil takes on much of the same process. Getting rid of the harden chunks, mixing in a bunch of crap, adding some touches of beauty, and finally seeing some results.

This blog will be a record of that process for myself, my family and my community of faith. Along the way, you'll hear garden-y parables & you'll see my artsy response to that growth.


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