
Thursday, May 22, 2008

10 1/2 inches to a better world

I've always been so proud of my husband....he has donated almost 3 gallons of blood. Me? Slightly anemic and wholly fearful of blood draws, I've seen my contribution as clearing any obstacles so that he can make his blood draw appointment. But now, I've found my way of making the world a better place for someone. Today, after a year of growing out my hair for women with cancer, I had 10 1/2 inches chopped off. I'll be sending my tresses to We've had far too many friends and family who've fought cancer.

It's a small contribution, but one that works well into my new desire to make any decisions with intentionality. From what type of lawnmower we use, to where I buy my splurge coffee, to riding our bikes more, to growing some of our own food, to clearing out my time schedule. Although seemingly mundane decisions, they are ones that we've stopped to think about....and hopefully come up with an answer that is compassionate, environmentally friendly, and community building. I obviously don't have it all figured out, but today was ten inches closer.

What everyday activity do you want to re-think?


runninggal said...

Way to Go!! Mine is taking soooo long to get there!! Isn't that funny...last fall I decided to stop cutting it so it could someday be long enough to cut to make a wig for cancer patients and we decided to do a blog at the same time without even talking about either one together!!

Thanks for refreshing my goal. I even thought today - I can't do it!! It looks so scraggly I need to cut it. I needed your little reminder today of why I am doing it in the first place!!

Author said...

Your new hair cut is so cute! I love reading your post. Thanks for helping to make the world a nicer place to live.

Lisa said...

Your haircut is cute! I love the way it frames your face. Hailey just returned from El Salvador with Mark and we've been thinking lots about how to make the world a better place....One thing at a time, I guess.