
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chicken love!

I think that every organic gardener should consider keeping chickens! Just out of curiosity the other day, I did a bug-comparison test on my sunflowers. The sunflowers in the front yard, just like every other year were covered in aphids. The aphids attracted the ants, wasps and ladybugs. The whole sunflower was buzzing. (I love the ladybugs, but could do without all those wasps. My kiddos agree wholeheartedly!) After pulling a few weeds, I made my way to the backyard. I took a close look at one of my backyard sunflowers. NO APHIDS! And because there were no aphids, no wasps! The difference? Our little flock of chickies have made use of their free range privileges by eating up all the aphids!

Way to go, Girls!!


Speedcat Hollydale said...

I had no idea that this was viable!
I am doing a "chicken post" and will include this post in my links.

Hello from Hollydale!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We've been keeping chickens for two weeks.

We have four Isa Browns and I must say having the chickens loose in the garden has been a eye opening experience!

Firstly I was concerned that they'd be eating all my kitchen scraps that otherwise would have gone in my kitchen compost caddy.

But the produce at the 'other end' has more than made up for it... We've loads of chicken poo that goes on the heap - as well as the straw and newspaper etc from their 'bedroom'.

Secondly, the chickens have been happily eating our garden pests. Slugs now have a number one enemy!

I would say that the whole chicken keeping thing has so far been thoroughly enjoyable.

The only downside being is the time 'wasted' chicken watching!

We've also been drawn to chicken keeping due to practical purposes. Hopefully as soon as they start laying they'll 'give back' to us in eggs.

We've posted a few photos here - Keeping Chickens.

It's a bit 'Laurel and Hardy' as we're learning as we go along, but hey that's what life is about eh?

Mandy said...

I hear you on the time wasted watching the girls...Gardening is so much fun with a feathered observer sitting right next to me waiting for the next little grub to be unearthed!

I'm so glad you two found my blog! Welcome!